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Strength is Life delivers online consultation services to anyone looking to improve their physique and strength. 


Typical personal trainers at your local gym merely help you “work up a sweat” and “get a good workout.” You do not see nor hear from them until your next scheduled appointment. While sufficient for those who are just beginning their fitness journey, intermediate and advanced level athletes require coaching in addition to their training regimes.


You receive a comprehensive plan via email  which considers all aspects of your daily life: schedule, personal preferences, goals, and current level of training adaptation. By allowing me to plan your training, you’ll be able to devote all your energy and focus toward the most important training element – execution.


Programs provide both structure (ie. training, nutrition, supplementation, and cardio) and flexibility so that you can have something that is both challenging and enjoyable. Skype consultation services are also provided including Wellness Coaching, Posing Assistance, Form Analysis, and Training Program review and guidance. So, even if you’re satisfied with your current program, I can help optimize your plan and take your training to the next level. If you’re competing in a bodybuilding or powerlifting event, I'll walk side-by-side with you throughout the competition, providing any support you may need for your culminating moment in the spotlight.



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